Monday, December 31, 2007
Newest Members of the Family
This is Jessica! Her and Chris are getting married on February 9! We are so excited for Chris. Both Chris and Jessica have babies, and these two have really had their trials, but they have found each other and are being married in the Spokane Temple. Their babies are dolls! The lightly colored one is Chris's baby. His name is Kaisen. He is such a dolly, and looks just like Chris. The other baby is Jessica's and his name is Treven. He is also a dolly! I think they are 2 months apart, and Doug calls them peas and carrots since they don't look a like at all. We are just so happy for this little family! The Lord has really blessed their lives!
This picture is of Kaisen and Emma during our Christmas dinner. What sweet kids!
Christmas Dinner
This baby is so cute! She is 18 months now, and we went to Doug's for dinner. Ron likes going there because he doesn't have to cook. It was nice getting to know the babies in the family.
Here Cari is reading to Johanna, and she will sit on everyones lap if they are reading or playing with her. She is a sweet one! She ate dinner sitting on my lap, and I so enjoyed that!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
William Tell Mom
Thursday, November 8, 2007
It is so much fun when your kids get older and you don't have to worry about Halloween! Not! My kids had parties, and Paige and Gavin went trick or treating with some friends. Garrett was phantom a the high school choir party, and he made the mask himself. Gavin wanted to be the ghost from Charlie Brown, but he didn't think it turned out like he wanted, so another girl wore it, and he went without. Paige never knows what she wants to be so Dad picked for her.
This last Saturday was so nice because we didn't have to get up to go to soccer games.
All three kids were is Soccer this fall, but Garrett dropped out since at the High School it was too expensive. As you can see Ron was the coach, and even though he would grummble before a practice and before a game he still went and enjoyed the kids. Paige played up until 2 weeks before the seasons end because she sprained her ankle. It was well worth the frustration of driving all over the place, but we are certainly glad that it is over.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Fall Continues
Sunday, October 14, 2007
This season always makes me reflect on days gone by. I love this time of year, and we have really enjoyed the beautiful colors of the season. The kids and I walked down to the river the other day, and of course I forgot the camera, so I took a picture of the big walnut tree that is outside our kitchen window. I stood under it to take the picture. It is beautiful! The squirrels have pretty much picked it clean as they get ready for winter.
While we were down by the river a deer jumped out just behind us (50 feet away from Paige) Good thing we didn't have a gun. It was a pretty amazying sight. Sometimes we hate living this far away from everything, but when things like that happen it makes us appreciate where we are.
School has also started, and we are all doing well. Garrett is taking Honors Checmistry, and Algebra 2 and choir at the Hight School. He is enjoying going to 3 classes, and even though the classes are hard, he is pulling A's. Paige and I are struggling through Alegebra! It has been a long time! Gavin is loving his subjects, and seems to be doing well.
As many of you know, Ron graduated from University of Phoenix, and I just barely found the picture on the computer. He has found a new job! HOORAY! He will be working for a man in our ward that does internet marketing. It is a step up for Ron, and the money is great. I will be quitting my job within 30-60 days. I can hardly wait! He will also be doing some business consulting with this company as well. The Lord has come through for us again. In all of this, I think the Lord was trying to teach me paitence. I need to be more trusting in the Lord, and learn that his time is not my time. He knows when things are right, and when they are to happen.
I have also reflected on my Mom's death. I miss her so much! It has been 7 years ago that she was buried. It doesn't seem possible that the time has gone so quickly.
Well I hope all is well with everyone! It seems that everyone is getting the blogging bug! It sure is a great way to stay in touch!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Kellogg Idaho
A couple of weekends ago, we were tired of being in the house, so we decided to go for a drive to Montana. We just got in the car and drove. The kids were getting restless and tired of being in the car, so we stopped in Kellogg Idaho and found a Gondola. It is the longest in the world! After you reach the top, you take 2 more sky lifts up to the top of the mountain. It is almost 7000 feet high! It was so beautiful! It was a great way to see the beautiful country side. We as a family have so much fun together. We have also gone to Silverwood which is an amusement park in Sandpoint Idaho. We do so much together as a family. I'm so grateful that I have such good kids, and that they like to be together. Sooner than we think Garrett will be on his mission! Time goes by so fast! Anyway, enjoy the pictures!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Garrett had a birthday party on July 3rd with another girl in the ward. They are both wearing blue Ts. The kids seemed to have a great time. The kids were so worried that they wouldn't make good friends here, and that is not a problem now. Garrett is driving now! EEEK! Makes his Mother extremly nervous, but it has to be done. In the picture where they are holding hands, they are a human knot, and it was above Garrett to play it, but it looks like they were having a great time! Happy Birthday Garrett!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Marvin Goldstein
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Bike Ride
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Sunday, April 8, 2007
More of Our House
Here is a better picture of it. It is our small lake! The owners put some fist in it, and they have a pump out in the middle to give the fish oxygen, but we had a pretty hard winter and we have not seen any of the fish so I'm not sure they are still alive. This picture was taken from the back road. We have a road that is right of the pond, so we can ride bikes all over the place. We have 74 acres all to ourselves! When this picture was taken it was a beautiful day! Not a cloud in the sky!
Now I will give you a glimpse of the inside of the house. This is just the entry way, and see that good looking kid in the middle? That is Garrett the night he got his Eagle Scout award! Isn't he a good looking kid? I'm not prejudice either.
Well there you have it! We love it here even though the kids don't have anyone except each other to play with. We are getting our bikes up and going and as soon as the weather clears we will be riding a lot! I got my new job as a in home caregiver, and it will give me more time to be with the family.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
This is Where We Live
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Monday, April 2, 2007
Saturday, we watched the morning session, and then had some errands to run. We thought that we could get back so we could watch the afternoon session, but we didn't make it. Garrett cashed his check from Subway, and took us all out to eat. It is so nice having one of your kids that is earning money! Then we went over to Walmart to see about getting a couple of bikes so that we can do some biking this summer. When we got back it was time for the boys to get ready for the Priesthood session. Paige wasn't feeling well, so we just watched some T.V. and relaxed! It was nice not having to go to work.
Sunday was more of the same. I made my traditional sweet rolls. They are anticipated for 6 months. We have them every conference Sunday morning. Then we settled in for the first session which was wonderful! The boys and Paige walked down to the river after the session, and shot their bee bee guns, and fed some geese. I sat home still sewing. It was peaceful without anyone here!
Ron had a pork roast in the crock pot for dinner, and it was beginning to smell wonderful! We watched the second session, had a great dinner and then started to watch Planet Earth. Ron went into the office to get on his website for school. It was dark, and the kids were downstairs. I saw some flashing on the wall, but thought that the T.V. was reflecting on the wall, so didn't pay much attention to it. I did think it was odd though. Next thing I knew I smelled pork, and then I saw smoke! I yelled at Ron, and he came running. He had put a pan on the stove to melt some grease down so we could throw it away, and it was burning! The fire had gone out, but the smoke was thick and black! We opened all the windows and then left the room. We have a sliding glass door into the kitchen so we closed that off. When the smoke had cleared we had soot to clean up.
Ron felt bad, but we were so lucky that it wasn't any worse than what it was. Heavenly Father was watching over our house. It could have been so much worse. As it was it ruined my sauce pan and made the cabinets black. It all washed off except for a little burn on the hood over the stove. That will help us to remember to be just a little more careful and focused on what we are doing.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ron called me the other day, and told me that his parents have their recommends to go to the temple! We are so excited! We only wish that we could get down there to go through with them. We have prayed for this day for quite some time. We know that we had a reason why we moved to Boise, and I think the reason was for them. SO EXCITED!
I also passed my test on HIV, and now I'm just waiting to get my license so that I can be a NAR in the state of Washington. That is a nurse assistant registered. Can't wait to start my new job! Can't wait to quit my old one! :)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Ron on the way to seminary saw his first elk. Since he only takes Garrett to seminary once a week he isn't able to see the elk. I see them quite frequently.
I just finished my HIV training to get a NAR so I can get a better job. I will be sending it in at the beginning of next week, so hopefully I can get out of where I currently work in the next couple of weeks. I have also been considering going back to school, and getting my LPN. I will be checking into all that in the weeks to come.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Last night after work, we were all laying in bed listening to the frogs cherp in our front yard. It sounds like there are quite a few. Gavin is sick today, but says he can't wait until he can go outside and look for them. We then woke up to the sound of Canada geese flying over our house to get to the pond. It is very nice to be able to hear the sounds of nature in our neighborhood instead of cars and sirens. It is going to be hard to move from this place of quiet.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Spring Days
Saturday, March 10, 2007
The Rook Family
We have moved to Post Falls Idaho, and we aren't quite sure that we are liking it. We live in a beautiful area. The kids go out in the woods when the weather is good, and this whole winter the weather has been bitter cold, so going outside hasn't been a great activity.
The kids have had a hard time making friends here. Since living out in the middle of nowhere, and with Ron and I working all the time it makes it hard to get the kids into town for activities. Ron has assured the kids that it won't last for long, and is looking for new employment even as we speak. He is at a job fair this morning, and I can hardly wait until he gets home so I can hear all about it.
I'm working at an assisted living home, although it's more of a nursing home because all of the residents are a full assist. It is a very hard job both emotionally, and physically. I come home at nights exhausted! I do love the fact that I can serve these people with Alzheimer's and make their lives a little more happy. It is such a sad disease.
Ron is working for the University of Phoenix. It is an entry level position so that's why I have to work. The upside is he gets his education for free. He will be graduating on May 5th, and then he will be able to get a better job. The kids are hoping and praying that we go back to Boise. I just want to be able to quit my job, and pay the bills.
The Music Mom
About Me
- naomi3
- Post Falls, Idaho, United States
- I'm a mom of 3 great teenagers! I'm a wife of 23 years of marriage. Life is always an adventure. I have tried my hand at many things. I have a beauticians license, I have gotten a certificate for medical transcribing. I enjoy working at hospitals and have a CNA license. I'm a jack of all trades! I have homeschooled my kids up until last year. I miss them, but they have so much more they need to learn about the world around them, because life is an education! My goal is to write in this blog about the experiences that are happening in my life!
My Favorite People
- A Thrifty Mom
- My Dad's blog
- Teri Neilsen
- Paul and Sheri
- Extension of Melissa's other blog
- Carol Grover
- Connie
- Emily's other blog!
- Kyle and Andrea Bickley
- Josh and Heidi Grover
- Debbie and Michael Easton
- Laura
- Katie Spear
- Cari's blog
- My brother Mike
- Mel's other blog
- Johnny's other blog
- Matt's blog
- Johnny's photo blog
- Melissa's 365
- Em