Thursday, February 14, 2008

He's Always Been a Bit Odd

Ron has always had hot feet. He sleeps with his feet out of the covers at night, and has stood on the ice outside and made footprints in the ice that last forever when we lived in Utah. Well now he is proving it again that he can stand outside in his bare feet and hardly feel a thing. Does this mean that his brain is a bit off? No brain no pain? You will have to ask him. :)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

There's a doctor for that.

The Music Mom

About Me

Post Falls, Idaho, United States
I'm a mom of 3 great teenagers! I'm a wife of 23 years of marriage. Life is always an adventure. I have tried my hand at many things. I have a beauticians license, I have gotten a certificate for medical transcribing. I enjoy working at hospitals and have a CNA license. I'm a jack of all trades! I have homeschooled my kids up until last year. I miss them, but they have so much more they need to learn about the world around them, because life is an education! My goal is to write in this blog about the experiences that are happening in my life!